I am 56yrs old, 5’6” and weigh approximately 165lbs. Do I need a full tummy tuck or will a mini work for me? Also, I gained about 7-8 lbs above my average weight, should I lose weight before getting the procedure?
Mini or Full Tummy Tuck?
Answer: Full tummy tuck
In your case a mini tummy tuck would not address the main issues at hand. Mini tucks only remove excess skin that is below the belly button, of which you have minimal excess skin. A full tummy tuck would help with the muscle repair, which is more beneficial in your case, and the excess skin can be excised concomitantly (although you may end up with a small vertical scar as well, due to not having too much excess skin). Importantly, another factor leading to your abdominal contour is due to intra-abdominal fat (or fat on the inside of your abdomen, around your organs). Unfortunately, no surgery can remove this; only diet and exercise.
Frequently Asked Questions
I workout regularly and do not see results in my stomach. Which would be the best for me, a tummy tuck or liposuction?
Looking for non-invasive options beside a tummy tuck. Am I candidate for a reverse tummy tuck, BodyTite, or Renuvion?
Can I Get A Tummy Tuck With Asymptomatic Hypothyroidism?
Higher BMI, Diabetes Can I Have a Tummy Tuck?
2 c-sections and a belly button piercing scar: do I need a tummy tuck to fix it?
Is this an expected result?
Is a Tummy Tuck the only way to fix my loose skin?
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