I am diabetic with an hA1C of 6.7% and BMI of 38-39, will a surgeon be comfortable with doing a tummy tuck? Already had one consultation however this person stated that I would need to come off of my diabetic medications and have to be under a hA1C of 6% which is is confusing since a pre diabetic is not a dielectric until after about 6.4-6.5%.
Higher BMI, Diabetes Can I Have a Tummy Tuck?
Answer: Potential candidate for tummy tuck
With your HgA1C, it is not ideal but it is not bad either. Different surgeons have different requirements and thresholds. Some surgeons may be okay with that number if your primary care physician has cleared you medically and that you understand that you may be at higher risk for complications, especially with a high BMI. In your case, lowering your BMI to lower level coupled with the same HgA1C may be completely acceptable.
Frequently Asked Questions
I workout regularly and do not see results in my stomach. Which would be the best for me, a tummy tuck or liposuction?
Looking for non-invasive options beside a tummy tuck. Am I candidate for a reverse tummy tuck, BodyTite, or Renuvion?
Can I Get A Tummy Tuck With Asymptomatic Hypothyroidism?
2 c-sections and a belly button piercing scar: do I need a tummy tuck to fix it?
Is this an expected result?
Is a Tummy Tuck the only way to fix my loose skin?
I slim down as much as possible before the procedure will this reduce pain, bruising, and increase healing post-op?
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