I recently had a baby 7 months ago and finished breast feeding 2 months ago. I am 5’5 and 125 pounds. While in postpartum I have been having Thyroid fluctuation. My Endocrinologist says that is just my body trying to normalize. I am experiencing NO symptoms of the hypothyroidism. Because my levels (THS 45) are so low he has put me on 50 mcg Levothyroxine to get me back to a good level for a TT surgery I am scheduled for in 2 weeks. With meds would I be at a safe THS level by time of surgery
Can I Get A Tummy Tuck With Asymptomatic Hypothyroidism?
Answer: Thyroid and tummy tuck safety
Yes, with controlled thyroid disease and clearance from your Endocrinologist a tummy tuck can be performed.
Frequently Asked Questions
I workout regularly and do not see results in my stomach. Which would be the best for me, a tummy tuck or liposuction?

Looking for non-invasive options beside a tummy tuck. Am I candidate for a reverse tummy tuck, BodyTite, or Renuvion?
Higher BMI, Diabetes Can I Have a Tummy Tuck?
2 c-sections and a belly button piercing scar: do I need a tummy tuck to fix it?
Is this an expected result?
Is a Tummy Tuck the only way to fix my loose skin?
I slim down as much as possible before the procedure will this reduce pain, bruising, and increase healing post-op?
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